
Introduction to APA Writing and Formatting

Are you in a college class that requires APA formatting and style for certain writing assignments? Are you saying to yourself…”I don’t know how to write in APA formatting and style.” Then this is the guide for you. As an educator myself, I teach APA writing and formatting every semester. I want you to know that it is just fine to not know how to write in APA format. After all, isn’t that why you are in school, to learn new things? This guide will attempt to break down the basics of APA formatting and style so that you (the student) are competent in APA. As you get started, please remember one of my favorite sayings about learning APA format, “learning APA formatting and style isn’t about perfection, it’s about improvement.” So, focus on constantly improving and you will be amazed at how much you learn about APA formatting and style.

Please note that this book is not intended to teach all the intricacies of APA format, just what I consider the basics or foundations of APA writing. For example, there is no mention on how to create appendices, or how to properly incorporate and cite tables and graphs. Those are higher level APA concepts usually used when a person is conducing original research. This manuscript is intended to give students a basic overview of how to create, format, and write in APA format and style. That means a student who is writing a research paper in APA format and style (i.e., not conducting original research) will benefit from this book.


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APA Formatting and Style Guide Copyright © 2024 by College of Southern Idaho is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.