
5 MARC 336, 337, and 338 Fields in RDA

As stated in the first chapter of this section, RDA is the determining factor in the data contained in MARC fields 336, 337, and 338.

RDA was created, as was said in the last chapter, to replace AACR2. MARC21 was created to replace all previous iterations of MARC. They were not created for the same purpose, but many of their fields (through certainly not all) overlap. For our purposes in this chapter, we will only consider the overlapping data pertaining to the MARC fields in the chapter heading.

In each field, the RDA term for the content, media, or carrier is in the $a subfield of the field. the MARC code, if needed, for the item is recorded in the $b subfield. The Leader symbol is recorded as part of the Leader of the entire record.

Field 336

This field pertains to the content of the item. In the MARC field, there are only three characters that can be put in the subfield. In the Leader, the first part of the MARC record, the content is defined by a single letter. RDA, on the other hand, can contain whole phrases, mostly two or three words, to describe the content in a resource. MARC allows for the integration of RDA data by allowing catalogers to put the RDA category of an item into a subfield.

Below is a reproduction of a map created by the Library of Congress:[1]

RDA content term – 336 $a MARC codes for
RDA terms – 336 $b
MARC Bibliographic Leader/06 code(s)
cartographic dataset crd e or f
cartographic image cri e or f
cartographic moving image crm e or f
cartographic tactile image crt e or f
cartographic tactile three-dimensional form crn e or f
cartographic three-dimensional form crf e or f
computer dataset cod m
computer program cop m
notated movement ntv a or t
notated music ntm c or d
performed music prm j
sounds snd i
spoken word spw i
still image sti k
tactile image tci k
tactile notated music tcm c or d
tactile notated movement tcn a or t
tactile text tct a or t
tactile three-dimensional form tcf r
text txt a or t
three-dimensional form tdf r
three-dimensional moving image tdm g
two-dimensional moving image tdi g
other xxx o or p
unspecified zzz

Field 337

This field contains metadata about the type of media, or the format, in which the information is presented to the user. This is not a record of the type of information container, or the item, but rather about the format (text, audio, spoken word, etc.). Again, RDA has more flexibility and descriptive restrictions than MARC.[2]

RDA media terms -337 $a MARC codes for RDA terms – 337 $b MARC media codes – 007/00
audio s s – sound recording
computer c c – electronic resource
microform h h – microform
microscopic p
projected g g – projected graphic
m – motion picture
stereographic e
unmediated n t – text
k – non-projected graphic
video v v – videorecording
other x z – unspecified
unspecified z z – unspecified

Field 338

This field contains information about the format of the item that contains, or carries, the information. For this reason, Field 338 is referred to as the Carrier Field. RDA Carrier types are extremely specific. Each format of the information (text, audio, unmediated information, etc.) requires specific types of carriers. For example, you cannot put an audio music file on a flipchart or a book. Therefore, information or data is carried on items that will accurately and consistently impart that information to a user. The tables below have again been taken from the Library of Congress. [3]

Unlike the other two 33X fields, 338 only allows two characters for an entry. Still, it incorporates the RDA data to allow humans to read the record.

This table includes all carriers of information that is presented in an audio format.

RDA carrier terms – 338 $a MARC codes for RDA terms – 338 $b MARC audio carrier codes – 007/01
audio cartridge  sg  g – 007/01 (Sound recording)
audio belt  sb  b – 007/01 (Sound recording)
audio cylinder  se  e – 007/01 (Sound recording)
audio disc  sd  d – 007/01 (Sound recording)
sound track reel  si  i – 007/01 (Sound recording)
audio roll  sq  q – 007/01 (Sound recording)
audio wire reel  sw  w – 007/01 (Sound recording)
audiocassette  ss  s – 007/01 (Sound recording)
audiotape reel  st  t – 007/01 (Sound recording)
other  sz  z – 007/01 (Sound recording)

These carriers are all an iteration of a computer, whether it is a resource found online, a cartridge, or a compact or floppy disk.

RDA carrier terms – 338 $a MARC codes for
RDA terms – 338 $b
MARC computer carrier codes – 007/01
computer card  ck  k – 007/01 (Electronic resource)
computer chip cartridge  cb  b – 007/01 (Electronic resource)
computer disc  cd  d – 007/01 (Electronic resource)
computer disc cartridge  ce  e – 007/01 (Electronic resource)
computer tape cartridge  ca  a – 007/01 (Electronic resource)
computer tape cassette  cf  f – 007/01 (Electronic resource)
computer tape reel  ch  h – 007/01 (Electronic resource)
online resource  cr  r – 007/01 (Electronic resource)
other  cz  z – 007/01 (Electronic resource)

You may notice that the carriers in the table below mostly have the prefix “micro-“. These carriers are formats that were recorded on a film so small that it could hold thousands of documents. Microfiche and microfilm are the most popular carriers of this category, but there are many others, as you can see below.

RDA carrier terms – 338 $a MARC codes for
RDA terms – 338 $b
MARC microform carrier codes – 007/01
aperture card  ha  a – 007/01 (Microform)
microfiche  he  e – 007/01 (Microform)
microfiche cassette  hf  f – 007/01 (Microform)
microfilm cartridge  hb  b – 007/01 (Microform)
microfilm cassette  hc  c – 007/01 (Microform)
microfilm reel  hd  d – 007/01 (Microform)
microfilm roll  hj  j – 007/01 (Microfilm)
microfilm slip  hh  h – 007/01 (Microform)
microopaque  hg  g – 007/01 (Microform)
other  hz  z – 007/01 (Microform)

A separate category exists for microscope slides and other visual material created in a scientific lab.

RDA carrier terms – 338 $a MARC codes for RDA terms – 338 $b MARC microscopic carrier codes – Bibliographic 008/33
microscope slide  pp  p – 008/33 (Visual Materials)
other  pz  no code

Yet another category contains only those data carriers that project their data onto another material for proper viewing.

RDA carrier terms – 338 $a MARC codes for
RDA terms – 338 $b
MARC projected image carrier codes – 007/01
film cartridge  mc  c – 007/01 (Motion picture)
film cassette  mf  f – 007/01 (Motion picture)
film reel  mr  r – 007/01 (Motion picture)
film roll  mo  o – 007/01 (Motion picture)
filmslip  gd  d – 007/01 (Projected graphic)
filmstrip  gf  f – 007/01 (Projected graphic)
filmstrip cartridge  gc  c – 007/01 (Projected graphic)
overhead transparency  gt  t – 007/01 (Projected graphic)
slide  gs  s – 007/01 (Projected graphic)
other  mz  z – 007/01 (Motion picture)  z – 007/01 (Projected graphic)

What exactly is a stereograph? This is an image that was made in duplicate for special viewing in a stereoscope. An individual looks through the stereoscope at two nearly-identical images. The result is that both eyes combine the image and create a more crisp picture than if both eyes had only viewed one image. The resulting image is almost three-dimensional in quality.

RDA carrier terms – 338 $a MARC codes for
RDA terms – 338 $b
MARC stereographic carrier codes – 007/01
stereograph card  eh  h – 007/01 (Non-projected graphic)
stereograph disc  es  s – 007/01 (Projected graphic)
other  ez  no code

A user who works with items in  this category, unmediated carriers, needs no external tools to be able to access their data. These carriers, especially $avolume$bnc, are the most common item sought after in a library.

RDA carrier terms – 338 $a MARC codes for
RDA terms – 338 $b
MARC unmediated carrier codes
card  no  no code
flipchart  nn  no code
roll  na  no code
sheet  nb  no code
volume  nc  no code
object  nr  r – Bibliographic Leader/06
other  nz  no code

While volumes and other unmediated carriers are the predominant resource sought after in a library, video carriers have become more sought after since the 1970s. Videocassettes (VHS or Betamax), video cartridges, and videodiscs (LaserDisc or DVD) are all examples of video carriers.

RDA carrier terms – 338 $a MARC codes for
RDA terms – 338 $b
MARC video carrier codes – 007/01
video cartridge  vc  c – 007/01 (Videorecording)
videocassette  vf  f – 007/01 (Videorecording)
videodisc  vd  d – 007/01 (Videorecording)
videotape reel  vr  r – 007/01 (Videorecording)
other  vz  z – 007/01 (Videorecording)

Our final category of carriers has only one entry: unspecified. This is most frequently used in archives or other repositories who have no way of determining the type of item they are recording. Even by archival standards, this would be grounds for refusing to accession an item (if it is donated) or deaccessioning (if the item has previously been in the collection).

RDA carrier terms – 338 $a MARC codes for
RDA terms – 338 $b
MARC unspecified carrier codes – 007/01
unspecified  zu  u – 007/01 (Unspecified)

Apply Your Knowledge

Use your newfound knowledge and love for RDA and all its complications to examine the differences between carriers, content, and media.

  1. Library of Congress (2011, April 5). "Term and code list for RDA content types." Retrieved on December 6, 2022, from https://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html.
  2. Library of Congress (2011, April 5). "Term and code list for RDA media types." Retrieved on December 6, 2022, from https://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html.
  3. Library of Congress (2019, July 11). "Term and code list for RDA carrier types." Retrieved on December 6, 2022, from https://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html.


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Cataloging with MARC, RDA, and Classification Systems Copyright © 2023 by College of Southern Idaho is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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